Shadders Brand Alert: Osei-Duro

Osei-Duro is among the new cadre of independent designers whose work originates from what they do and where they go. Maryanne Mathias and Molly Keogh make clothing for those who care about art, design, and originality but who also want to know the story behind their garment. The designers travel through West Africa, visiting countries dealing with civil war and drought, poverty and desertification. They believe there is value in making clothing in “strange” unknown locales, and also in providing opportunity for people there while exchanging culture.

What Shadders love most about Mathias and Keogh is that fact that they work directly with the West African garment workers who produce their goods. This allows the designers to pay the seamstresses an equitable wage and observe high quality standards. Equitable wage means that the women who make these clothes are able to send their children to school, see a doctor when they need, and have something left over to spend or save as they choose once ends have been met. Each seamstress is paid by the piece, constructing each garment from start to finish. This means she knows each step of the process and can make finished garments in her own time if she chooses. Unlike most factory systems that protect their designs and fragment the construction process into specialized tasks, Osei-Duro encourages the seamstresses to produce for their own gain outside of the orders they place. The seamstress negotiates prices with Osei-Duro based on their needs, the time the piece takes to complete, and relative to previous agreements.

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